Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back to Normal: Plowing to a Mini-Resoltuon

       According to Colton Tain's lecture, characteristics of TV sitcoms include “mini-resolutions.” In the sitcom genre, mini-resolutions often come at the end of an episode. This structure of a sitcom episode is often made so that a conflict can arise and be resolved within the episode and everything can “return to normal” within twenty-two minutes. This set-up allows viewers to miss episodes without having to worry about much continuity.
       Examples of mini-resolutions in sitcoms are easy to find. The animated sitcom “The Simpsons” has used mini-resolutions of some kind for virtually every episodes. Because of this, plot progression between episodes is little to none. The famous episode “Mr. Plow” can be used as an example:

 "Call Mr Plow,
That's my name,
That name again is Mr Plow"

       In the episode, Homer buys a truck with an attached snow plow to compete with Barney's snow plow business. He makes a television commercial and sees success very quickly. He is even given the key to the city. Barney, who is jealous, tries to trick Homer into plowing off the peak of a mountain. His plan backfires when he himself gets trapped. Homer rescues Barney and they resolve their differences. The mini-resolution begins when they agree to merge their plow businesses, claiming that "When two best friends work together not even God himself can stop them!". This angers God, who causes a heat wave that melts the snow in Springfield. This puts both of them out of business, and things return to normal.

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